Regulatory Disclosures
Stock Exchange intimations under SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirement) Regulations, 2015
Disclosures under SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirement) Regulations, 2015
Public disclosure on Liquidity Risk as per RBI circular on Liquidity Risk Management Framework
Disclosure on Liquidity Coverage Ratio as per RBI circular on Liquidity Risk Management Framework
Disclosures under rule 9 of the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014
Disclosures under rule 15 of the Companies (Appointment and Qualifications of Directors) Rules, 2014
Information on secured assets possessed under the SARFAESI Act, 2002

Sl. No

Branch Name


Borrower Name

Guarantor Name (wherever applicable)

Registered address of the Borrower

Registered address of the Guarantor (wherever applicable)

Outstanding amount
(in ?)

Asset Classification

Date of Asset classification

Details of security possessed

Name of the Title holder of the security possessed


India Infradebt Limited


Historic Material Events/ Information (Archives)

Events or information disclosed on the website pursuant to Regulation 51 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 shall be archived as per the Policy on Preservation of Records and will be available under this head.

Complaint submission form and details of Nodal Officer for redressal of customer grievances (Pertaining to Credit Information)

The customer can raise their queries or grievances, if any, relating to information filed with Credit Information Companies and/or for updation/rectification of credit information by submitting the Complaint submission form (click here) with Nodal Officer at:

Mr. Surendra Maheshwari
Chief Financial Officer

India Infradebt Limited
The Capital, 'B' Wing, 1101 A,
Bandra Kurla Complex,
Mumbai – 400 051
Tel: +91 22 - 6819 6963
Redressal of Investor Grievances:
An investor having grievance/ complaint shall first write to:

Mr. Gaurav Tolwani
Company Secretary & Chief Compliance Officer

India Infradebt Limited
The Capital, 'B' Wing, 1101A,
Bandra Kurla Complex,
Mumbai - 400051
Tel: + 91 22 6819 6900
If the grievance is not redressed satisfactorily, the investor may escalate the same through the SCORES Portal at After exhausting all the available options for resolution of the grievance, if the investor is still not satisfied with the outcome, dispute resolution can be initiated through the ODR Portal at

[The SEBI Master Circular w.r.t. Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) is available at].

Unclaimed Principal/Interest on Non-Convertible Debentures issued by India Infradebt Limited

Policy for filing of claim for unclaimed interest/redemption amount on the Non-Convertible Securities

Details of Nodal Officer

The investor can raise their claims, queries or grievances, if any, with the Nodal Officer as under:

Mr. Surendra Maheshwari
Chief Financial Officer
India Infradebt Limited
The Capital, ‘B’ Wing, 1101A,
Bandra Kurla Complex,
Mumbai – 400 051
Tel:+91 22 6819 6900/6963

Information on unclaimed Principal/Interest on Non-Convertible Debentures issued by India Infradebt Limited

Cumulative details of the number of claims received, processed and pending – Nil claims have been received, processed and pending w.r.t. unclaimed Principal/Interest on Non-Convertible Debentures issued by India Infradebt Limited.

[The SEBI Circular on “Procedural framework for dealing with unclaimed amounts lying with entities having listed non-convertible securities and manner of claiming such amounts by investors” is available at].

Search facility for unclaimed Principal/ Interest on Non-Convertible Debentures

Invalid PAN Number
Invalid DP ID - Client ID

No Record found

In case of NSDL: 16 digit alpha numeric DPID - Client ID starting with "IN" without any spaces. e.g. In case your DPID is IN123456 and Client ID is 78901234 then please enter IN12345678901234. In case of CDSL: 16 digit numeric ID without any spaces e.g. 1234567890123456

*Mandatory field
Contact details of Debenture Trustee

IDBI Trusteeship Services Limited
Universal Insurance Building,
Ground Floor, Sir P. M. Road,
Fort, Mumbai - 400001
Tel: + 91 22 4080 7000 Fax: + 91 22 6631 1776 / + 91 22 4080 7080
Contact details of Registrar and Transfer Agent (For Debentures)
MUFG Intime India Private Limited (formerly known as Link lntime India Private Limited)
C-101, 247 Park, L.B.S. Marg,
Vikhroli (West), Mumbai - 400083
Tel:+91 22 49186000